Friday, July 13, 2007

Let's play Either/Or

Let's play either/or, and these questions are arbitrary.

Would you rather have a whole-hearted, genuine friendship or someone's half-hearted and cautious affections?
Would you rather see someone every day a little bit, or once a week for a long time?
Would you rather fuck a bunch of strangers with no diseases, or marry one person you love with HIV?
Would you rather work in a job you hate that leaves time for that which you love, or work in a job that turns what you love into a job?
Would you rather have someone you love happy and in love with someone else, or have them in love with you and wish their life was different?
Would you rather be independant and lonely, or codependant and bored?
Would you rather give up the internet or your cellphone?
Would you rather be burglarized or blackmailed? (assuming you loose an equal monetary value)
Would you rather be selfish and entertaining, or a generous introvert?
Would you rather be yourself now or yourself five years from now?

Are you doing today what will make you who you want to be in the future?
Do you ask yourself either/or questions when you make your decisions?

cross-posted from LJ.