Wednesday, April 4, 2007

D-Cup Bras, and Other Notes

This morning I got up and than went to my friends' house, to do laundry.

Cat was there, and she was sick, so the two of us stayed in bed all day watching movies and eating vegetarian. And then Ryon showed up, so she says, "Come sit down between two flowers."

Ryon: "What am I? Mulch?!"

He went to work instead.


I really want to date someone like Thomas Crowne: someone who'd steal art for me, play fascinating mind games with me, have a great deal of mmmmm, fun, and then get on an airplane and fly away to wherever. Note: "steal art" is key.


Why do D-cup bras have padding in them?


I met Ryon's uncle today, as he came in, and I was going shopping with Megan. It was a very brief interaction, and when I returned and the uncle was gone, Ryon let me know what impression I had made.

"My uncle thought you were scared of him."

"Well," I said, "He does remind me of the older man who calls my call center demanding all sorts of things."

"I see." Said Ryon.

"He's the type to whom I'd give a customer service gesture, JUST to stop talking to them."


Love Katana

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